Contact Us

Central office

Address: 3rd floor, Sabetzadeh complex, in front of Tehransar, 7th km of Fath (Motevaselian) EX way, TEHRAN, IRAN
Find us on google map (35.41296,51.12511)

Phone:+98 21 66180443

Fax: +98 21 66180443

Mobile: +98 9337170727


Whatsapp: +98 9337170727

Telegram: @vmss_ir

Instagram: @vira_madar_sanat_sharif

Aparat: @vira_madar

Vira Madar Sanat Sharif

Design and produce electronic boards and devices in industry and home appliances

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About us

Vira Madar Sanat-e-Sharif Company, consisting of electrical and mechanical specialists has been able to carry out any industrial and research project in various fields. The company is proud to bring knowledge and experience together by relying on the knowledge and ability of its specialists in designing electronic boards and devices, industrial automation and robotic.

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